TFT Placement Matches Boost

• Booster can get 1 lose for each order. If the booster gets 2 or more loses; you will get 3 net wins* for each lose above 1 for free.
What is Win: If the account is in first 4 players in placement it will be accepted as a win.
Net Win: Number of total wins minus number of total loses.
If we can not provide guaranteed number of wins, we will give 2 net wins for each extra lose we get.

1. Last Season League

TFT Placement Matches Boost

2. Server

3. Number of Matches

Time : -

Win Guarantee : -

Price : -

Buying TFT Placement Matches Boost

Playing ranked matches is the dream of most players who play Teamfight Tactics. TFT players aim to enter the ranked system by playing ranked matches. If you have the desired features in Teamfight Tactics, you can start playing placement matches to enter the ranked system. The number of placement matches is five. Those who have been placed before and those who have played new ranked matches in the new season are placed according to the results they showed in the previous season. Those with low hidden elo points called MMR may have to settle into a bad league even if they get good results. For this reason, players should also play well in the previous season, if not their first placement.

Reliable TFT Placement Matches Boost

Since TFT games are played from within the League Of Legends client, you can keep in touch with your friends by installing the lolchat application on your phone during the boost. Also, when you want to contact our booster, you can contact our booster from 'My Orders' -> 'Order Details' page and ask your questions and questions to our booster. If you have any questions before placing an order, you can ask our Anka Elo Boost live support service, which is online every day of the week.

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